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Αναθεώρηση ως προς 15:09, 12 Ιουνίου 2014 από τον Johnevans846 (Συζήτηση | συνεισφορές) (The Engineer gets the most responsibility of all the classes in Battlefield: Play4Free, therefore it is crucial that you possess a solid strategy when playing the class also to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Engineers are necessary about...)
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The Engineer's Equipment

Effective engineers in Battlefield: Play4Free spend some time to understand their equipment. As well as the standard primary weapon, secondary weapon, and tracer gun, Engineers include two special items: the repair oral appliance the RPG rocket launcher. The repair tool enables the Engineer to heal friendly vehicles; simply choose the tool, stand up close to an agreeable vehicle, and press the fireplace button (the default will be the left sensitive mouse) to repair the car. If nothing appears to be happening if the Fire button is pressed, the car is probably at its full armor capacity. Remember that vehicles are repaired in a fairly slow rate, and it can take several seconds of repairing to create a busted vehicle back up to full armor. Engineers can buy training to increase the rate at which they repair vehicles. battlefield play4free funds generator

Although you must always look out for friendly vehicles, be sure to await enemies also! As a possible Engineer, you represent your team's first line of defense against enemy vehicles, as well as your job of taking them out is a crucial one. Other classes might be able to do some damage to vehicles with frag grenades nevertheless they aren't nearly as quick or effective since the RPG. Upon sighting an opponent vehicle, your ideal strategy is always to (1) alert your teammates for the vehicle's presence by aiming your crosshairs on the vehicle then opening the communications menu and clicking the "spot" button; (2) select your tracer dart gun and tag the automobile with a tracer dart so that friendly rockets will home in about the target; and (3) fire a rocket at the vehicle, duck behind cover so that you can remain hidden from the driver with the vehicle, then come out and fire again once the RPG is reloaded. Obviously, this is actually the ideal situation; if the vehicle is very close and has spotted you already, it is best never to bother with tagging it, and just make an effort to destroy it as being quickly as possible instead.

The RPG's long reload time quickly becomes agonizing when you have been spotted by way of a vehicle and you're simply hiding behind cover, waiting to reload. Make the most of any lulls in combat to make sure that both your RPG and tracer dart gun are reloaded so you aren't caught unprepared through the sudden appearance of the enemy vehicle. battlefield play4free funds generator

White Brackets Are Your Companion

Being an Engineer, you should always be quick to answer the white brackets that appear around an opponent vehicle that has been explained by a tracer dart. Should you spot a tagged vehicle, take a chance advertising online with your RPG, even though it's a good distance away; simply aim to the sky over the vehicle to make up for your distance. With practice, you'll figure out how to anticipate the trajectory that the rockets follows and you'll get better at hitting distant targets, both tagged and untagged. You shouldn't be stingy with your own personal tracer darts, either - you own an unlimited way to obtain them, so there isn't any reason not to tag enemy vehicles unless you're already under fire. Tagging enemy vehicles helps one other engineers in your team and in addition makes those targets much easier to area for friendly pilots in helicopters and planes. Helicopter pilots will be especially appreciative given that they have special rockets that home in on tagged vehicles, obtaining even heavy tanks with simply a couple of hits. battlefield play4free funds generator

Playing effectively as an Engineer in Battlefield: Play4Free is actually understanding your equipment and knowing your role in your team. Keep in mind that your class is centered on maintaining friendly vehicles and eliminating enemy vehicles, and you will already be on your way to the top scoreboard.